Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
Martin completed his Bachelor of Social Work with Honours in 2013, focussing his studies on providing services to individuals, groups and families with a particular focus on loss, trauma and grief, psychology, human rights, philosophy and world myths and narratives. Martin begun working in the community sector whilst completing his studies and has worked as a social worker within the housing and homelessness sector, youth sector, education sector and mental health sector.
Masters of Science In Medicine
(Sexual & Reproductive Health)
Psychosexual Counselling
Martin completed his Masters of Science in Medicine in 2017, specialising his studies in the area of sexual health and relationship education, adolescence sexual health, psychosexual therapy and variations to sexual function. After graduation, Martin went on to work in the sexual health field as an educator, counsellor and rapid HIV & STI testing facilitator. Martin now provides services specially focusing on supporting clients with concerns relating to sexual dysfunction, sexuality and/or gender.
Specialist Course in Integrative Couple Therapy
Martin was accepted to participate in the renowned Specialist Course in Integrative Couple Therapy offered by Relationships Victoria. An intensive course for established professionals, the course covers the latest, evidenced based practices for working with relationshipsin a counselling context. Martin now provides relationship counselling to couples and those in consensual non-monogamous relationships having completed this qualification.
PhD in Philosophy & Social Sciences
(Currently Completing)
Martin is currently completing his PhD researching genderqueer expressions of gender within religious, spiritual and philosophical spaces. For many, gender is not 'of the body' or determined by the body, such allocating gender to a space that does not necessary exist or solely exist in physicality. The non-physical is often a space that is rendered by religious. spiritual or philosophical ideology constructed by those who are themselves may not be genderqueer or existing outside of predetermined notions of gender. Martin's research seeks to understand how genderqueer identifying or genderqueer 'classified 'people are theorising or defining this space and what this means for all of us when it comes to understanding gender.